

Technology for Tomorrow,
appropriate technology developing countries

Affordable housing with Interlocking Stabilised Soil Blocks quickens construction and reduces costs by at least 30% compared to conventional methods and ordinary burnt bricks. Using ISSB eliminates the need to cut trees to burn bricks and mine clay, thus saving the environment.
MazziGo tanks, built by T4T using ISSB, offer 10,000-100,000L above-ground and 15,000-200,000L underground capacities. They are cheaper, environmentally friendly, and easy to maintain. These tanks provide clean water to rural and suburban households, saving time and allowing women and children more time for economic activities and education.
M - Menstruation A - Administration K - Knowledge A - Affordability... MakaPads provide natural, hygienic, biodegradable, and affordable sanitary pads to schoolgirls and women who cannot afford other options, improving menstrual hygiene management and enabling girls to stay in school.
This simple low cost stove made from ISSB allows for cleaner cooking and saves wood fuel by at least 60% compared to the ordinary three stone stoves. The use of these stoves reduces air pollution, smoke related diseases, fuel costs, the need for tree cutting and thus saves the environment.
The stoves capture latent heat from ordinary cook stoves to heat water, which is then stored in an aluminum tank. This saves fuel, reducing total consumption by 70% compared to heating water on a separate stove.
Our incinerators reduce waste volume by 95%, safely manage biohazardous waste in hospitals and health centers, improve sanitation, and eliminate the need for waste transportation. They have been crucial in managing Ebola outbreaks through rapid deployment.
A simplified incinerator is used to manage compound waste and dispose of sanitary pads in schools and homes, providing a private and hygienic solution. This approach alleviates the burden on landfills and pit latrines, offering an efficient and environmentally friendly waste management option.
Food security exists when all people, at all times have physical and ecomomic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietry needs and food preferences for active and healthy life (FAO).